Small Knife Attachment

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Straight from consumer feedback, we have created a new sharpening platform for smaller blades that works on Apex and Professional models. This small knife sharpener platform allows more flexibility with smaller blades including knives with thumb studs to retain the precision sharpening you expect from our products. The small knife sharpener attachment measures 2 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick which will protect the main platform of the machine. It includes an adjustable miniature guide plate to accommodate small knives of varying widths. In our instructional videos, Ben mentions building a riser block and this Small Knife Attachment is an adjustable riser small block knife sharpener.

These small pocket knife sharpeners are ideal for blades 2 - 3 inches. Not for multitools.


15 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Randy on May 16th 2015

    Picked mine up the other day at the shop and finally got a chance to use it. Great addition to my Edge Pro. Makes it pretty easy to sharpen smaller knives, especially the small traditional folders.

  • 5

    Posted by Moana on Nov 12th 2014

    Perfect for all my pocket knives and smaller blades! Incredible! Thank you!

  • 5

    Posted by Max S on Oct 25th 2014

    If you have a knife the size of say... 2.5 inches or less? This thing works wonders! I did my kershaw shuffle on this thing, and I did not have to the move the knife AT ALL, and got a near perfect edge. If you like small pocket knives like me it is a must have.